In order to promote the education of arts, the Lan Yang Cultural & Educational Foundation is holding a double bass summer camp. We have invited Mr. Yung-Ho Fu, who is the principal double bass in the National Symphony Orchestra of Taiwan, as the artistic director. We have also invited four famous international double bassists, Mr. Thomas Martin, Mr. Thierry Barbé, Mr. Catalin Rotaru and Mr. Giuseppe Ettorre, as our tutors. Our goal is to offer an exciting and enjoyable opportunity for people who love to play the double bass. We sincerely welcome everyone who plays the double bass to join us for an enriching double bass summer camp.
時間:2018/07/13-21 (九天八夜)
A 網路報名:請於下列網址填寫表格完成線上報名手續,網址:goo.gl/forms/AzhjcF2qbxw0d8Wy1
B 傳真報名:填寫報名表後傳真至03-935-2445,報名表下載網址:https://goo.gl/wBwb3p
金融機構:台灣銀行宜蘭分行 匯款帳戶:財團法人蘭陽文教基金會 帳號:022001099498
報名相關問題請聯絡e-mail:fubassworkshop@gmail.com 電話:02-2469-0088 傳真:03-935-2445
Host by: Lan Yang Cultural & Educational Foundation Co-Host: Yilan County Cultural Affairs Bureau
Application qualifications Applicants must be born before 2007, age 11、Elementary school grade 5 or above(All elementary applicants need a recommendation letter from their teacher)have double bass performance experience
Location: Yilan Performance Venue, Cardinal Tien Junior College of Healthcare and Management Yilan
Participant-Only Competition 1st Prize-$12,000 NT, 2nd Prize-$8,000 NT, 3rd Prize-$5,000 NT
Fee: 27500 NT, This fee includes all courses, concerts, food, housing and insurance.If you register before 2018/04/30, your fee is 25,500 NT. Returning participants receive$1,000NT off of the entrance fee.
Registration and payment
(1)Registration Procedure:
A. Internet: please complete the registration form online
B. Fax: please complete the registration form and fax to # 03-935-2445,
(2)Payment: After we receive your registration, we will contact you via e-mail and telephone you with the bank account details. *When you receive our notification, please transfer the fee within one week. After you complete the payment, please fax the receipt or related documents to us. If we don't receive your payment before the deadline, your qualification will be cancelled, and we will accept the next applicant from our waiting-list. All newly accepted applicants should transfer the fee within THREE DAYS. Please transfer the fee to:
Bank: Bank of Taiwan, Yilan Branch Swift Code: BKTWTWTP022
Bank account: LanYang Cultural & Educational Foundation Account number: 022001099498
(3)Cancellation policy: Any cancellation made within:
A. 30 days before the event, we will refund 90% of the fee.
B. 21 to 30 days before the event, we will refund 80% of the fee.
C. 2 to 20 days before the event, we will refund 70% of the fee.
D. 1 day before the event, we will refund 50% of the fee.
E. If the participant doesn't show up on the event, we will not be able to refund the fee.
In order to have an optimal learning experience, all participants must bring your own instrument. If there is any specific reason that you can't, please inform us when you complete the registration form.
( A fee of $3,000NT for renting an instrument must be paid by the participant.)
We hold the right to change the contents of our Camp at any time.
Please feel free to contact us if there are any questions. E-mail: fubassworkshop@gmail.com Tel: 02-2469-0088