Eligibility:Must be a member of the Lan-Yang International Double Bass Summer Camp
青少年組 (18 歲以下);成人組 (18 歲(含)以上)
Two Age divisions:
Under 18 division and above 18 division
第一獎 12000元,第二獎8000元,第三獎5000元,頒發中英文優勝證明,獲選於成果發表會獨奏演出。
1st Prize-$12,000 NT, 2nd Prize-$8,000 NT, 3rd Prize-$5,000 NT First, second, and third prize for each division will be awarded a winner's certificate and the opportunity to perform their solo piece in the final concert.1st Prize-$12,000 NT, 2nd Prize-$8,000 NT, 3rd Prize-$5,000 NT First, second, and third prize for each division will be awarded a winner's certificate and the opportunity to perform their solo piece in the final concert.
prize winners in 2017 Editions are not eligible to apply)